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تحميل تطبيق Battery Guru Health Saver v1.9.10 لاطالة عمر البطاريه للاندرويد فى اخر اصدار

اقتباس: يعرض Battery Guru معلومات استخدام البطارية ، ويقيس سعة البطارية (مللي أمبير) ، ويظهر التقديرات ، ويساع ..

11-02-2022 03:40 صباحا
Ahmed Attia
المشرف العام
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 15-01-2022
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 91417
الجنس : ذكر
الدعوات : 8
قوة السمعة : 230

p_2201kdb0o1 p_2218r2cmx1 p_2039zz1m21
p_20303rh0w2 p_2218jlkkr1

يعرض Battery Guru معلومات استخدام البطارية ، ويقيس سعة البطارية (مللي أمبير) ، ويظهر التقديرات ، ويساعدك على تغيير عادات الشحن الخاصة بك من خلال نصائح مفيدة لإطالة عمر البطارية وزيادة عمرها الافتراضي بنسبة 200?. Battery Guru displays battery usage information, measures battery capacity (mAh), show estimates, and helps you change your charging habits with useful tips to prolong battery life and increase its lifespan by 200%. Batteries have a limited lifespan, every time you charge your device it wears out the battery, lowering it’s total (design) capacity. Now, you can reduce wear, spend less time with your device attached to its charger and get more out of your mobile life without constant concerns about the low battery level. Use Battery Guru to find the fastest charger and USB cable for your device. Measure the charging current (in mA) to find out! The app will show you max current achieved while charging. Choose status bar indicator b*ased on your need • How current mA • Temperature • Battery level • And combination of them Charging/Discharging info • Section dedicated for battery stats including charge/discharge percentage and estimated time for full charge/discharge. Display information about battery: voltage, temperature, capacity, and battery health status, battery charger history… The section also provides info about App statistics, wake-locks and deep sleep/awake time of the device. • Charging records are also part of the info section, this will tell you how much you take care of the device battery is your charging healthy or not. Charging records also have advanced info to show your charging history for the last 3 months. Protection • At the protection section you can set reminders for battery temperature and charging limits. As we know those are two unwanted factors that degrade our batteries. Use suggested protectors to prolong your battery life and keep it in nice condition. Health • Get estimated battery health at any time. Health section also contain useful tips for saving our beloved battery, everything is well described and “human-readable”. Save • Save section contains saving modes, two of them are already managed and unchangeable, while one remains customizable. Manually managed mode automatically reads the device current state.

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p_2218jlkkr1 p_2201of2tx1 Pb76DERliHHLPb76DERliHHL

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