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تحميل برنامج Wise Care 365 Pro v6.1.8.605 لصيانة وتسريع الويندوز فى اخر اصدار

اقتباس: برنامج Wise Care 365 Pro يساعدك على تسريع الكمبيوتر حيث يقوم بازالة الملفات الغير مرغوب فيها والمؤقتة ..

13-02-2022 05:47 صباحا
Ahmed Attia
المشرف العام
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 15-01-2022
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 91394
الجنس : ذكر
الدعوات : 8
قوة السمعة : 230

p_2201kdb0o1 p_2218r2cmx1 p_2039zz1m21
p_20303rh0w2 p_2218jlkkr1 p_2039s9iff2

برنامج Wise Care 365 Pro يساعدك على تسريع الكمبيوتر حيث يقوم بازالة الملفات الغير مرغوب فيها والمؤقتة الى الابد ويقوم ايضا باصلاح الاخطاء والكثير من المزايا المتعددة برنامج مميز بالفعل ويستحق التجربة هذا البرنامج عبارةعن مجموعة من الاداوات التى تساعد على تسريع الجهاز وتنظيفه المميزات الرئيسية: تنظيف وتحسين سجل الويندوز , الغاء التجزئة وتحسين مساحة القرص الصلب , حماية خصوصيتك عن طريق محو البيانات الشخصية , استعادة الملفات المفقودة , القدرة على اخفاء الملفات والمجلدات , تحرير الذاكرة لتسريع البرامج والالعاب Clean registry and junk files from your PCs. Protect your privacy and make your PCs more secure. Provide a better option of optimizing and accelerating your computer! Protect Your System in Real Time Take prompt a*ction once some applications attempt to make modification without your permission. This protector will identify and stop any processes that try to secretly change Windows registry. Prevent programs from changing your Internet Explorer homepage Prevent any unwanted new application from adding into the windows startup Prevent changes to the default browser A Comprehensive PC Cleaner Wise Care 365 is definitely the preferred option for billions of Windows users who want to keep their Windows PC at peak performance. It removes invalid Windows registry entries and cleans useless files, download history, browsing history, invalid shortcuts, traces, cache, c*ookies, passwords, Windows components, and files with specific extensions – allowing Windows system to run faster and freeing up more valuable hard disk space in seconds. It is also packed with customizable cleaning options for advanced users. World’s Fastest System Optimization Tool Wise Care 365 adopts world’s top technology. It optimizes PC’s performance, defrags disks and the Windows registry, and manages the startup process as well as services. Over time, your computer’s hard disk drive and registry will become cluttered. Wise Care 365 can defrag the drive and registry to make them organized, thus making your computer run faster and more stable. You are going to be amazed by its blazing defrag speed. Many programs run silently in the background when you start up your computer. Wise Care 365 helps you disable unneeded programs that consume your precious system resources and improves PC startup speed. Your Ultimate Computer Privacy Protector Wise Care 365 protects your computer privacy from prying eyes. Privacy Eraser erases all traces of any computer operation like browsing history and accessed files, so any computer operation you do stays confidential. Disk Eraser prevents deleted data from being retrieved by third parties. Disk Shredder can delete files thoroughly so that they can never be recovered. A Powerful System and Hardware Monitoring Utility System Monitor displays all the essential information of your computer. Process Monitor gives users a clear and neat list of all the processes run by user and system, users can shut down any process they don’t need to make the PC run more smoothly. Hardware Overview offers users both brief and detailed information of all the crucial hardware components, letting users know about their computers at a glance. A Perfect Platform for Mutual Assistance on PC Problems The ‘Wise Assistance’ section of Wise Care 365 is a community for mutual assistance and knowledge sharing on PC problems. Users can ask any questions about their computers, while our experts and other users with relevant knowledge, experience or techniques will answer these questions. Wise Care 365 holds millions of users across the world, so users can get faster and better solutions. It is a connection between users and experts to get faster and better solutions for computer problems. Features & Benefits: One-click PC Checkup Clean & Speed-up Computer Hardware Inventory Privacy Protection Real-time System Protection Silent Mode Faster Boot-up Speed Free-up More Drive Space Automatic Updates

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p_2218jlkkr1 p_2201of2tx1 Pb76DERliHHLPb76DERliHHL

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